Happy Feast of St. Catherine Laboure' Let us pray to her her intercession. Saint Catherine Labouré, you were the chosen confidant of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She revealed to you her desire that her children wear the Miraculous Medal as a mark of their love for her and in honor of her Immaculate Conception. Intercede for us, that we may follow our heavenly mother's desires. Ask that we may receive those special graces which flow from her motherly hands like rays of light. Amen
We are quickly approaching Thanksgiving. Which is a wonderful time to gather at the table with family and friends. It wonderfully parallels coming to the Eucharistic table during Mass. The word Thanksgiving means Eucharist. So as you are sitting around your Thanksgiving table remember to give thanks for the gift of the Eucharist.
Tomorrow we begin our theme for the month of November, Peace. Peace can mean many things, quiet, calmness, grace. When we think about christian peace, we think of the peace of our Lord. In Philippeans, we are told to not be anxious about anything but instead by prayers and petitions with thanksgiving to present our requests to God. We know that God knows us better than we know ourselves and he will bring goodness out of any situation. So let us be a peaceful people, bringing our needs to God.
During the Month of October our devotion is to the Holy Rosary. During this month we make a special effort to pray the rosary daily. How can you add the rosary into your families routine?
This month we celebrate Joy. We learned last year that the way to have Joy was to follow the acronym J- Jesus first, O- Others second, Y- Yourself last. When we put Jesus first everything else else has order.
This weekend we celebrated Catechetical Sunday which is when teachers and staff are commissioned and accept the responsibility to be educators of the faith. Our staff is blessed to partner with you in teaching the faith to your children. This commitment to Catholic education is an act of love. THANK YOU!
Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Name of Mary. As the Mother of God, and the Queen of Heaven and Earth her name is to be honored. Add a Hail Mary to your daily prayers in honor of this special Marian feast day.
We celebrated the Feast of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta on Tuesday, September 5th. She is a wonderful example of our Fruit of the Spirit for September- Love. Mother Teresa was called to work with individuals that the world had "thrown away". She gave them dignity even in their last moments. We too are called to be a friend to those who in need. As the quote above says, we can not all do great things, but we can all things with love. How can you share your love this week?
Happy Tuesday! We have had a wonderful start to the school year! It has been wonderful getting to know all the new students and reconnecting with the returning students. It is going to be an AWESOME year!
The Parent-Teacher Group (PTG) supports the mission of the school particularly through community building activities. Recognizing its role in the organizational structure of the school the PTG works in partnership with the administration, school staff, and parish to foster community and social interaction.
Academic Programs: Accelerated Math, Fine Arts, Oratory Program, Clubs, Choir, Drama, Glee, Handbells, Participate in South Bay Sports, and more! New! Offers Spanish classes