6th-8th Grade Student Service Hours
To complete service hours, you are required to complete a minimum of 25 hours of service per year to something that benefits the school, your parish, or the greater community. Service hours must be completed outside regular school hours. Working for family members or a parent’s business is not accepted as service hours. Please be aware that service hours will require you, the parent, to make prior arrangements and accompany your child so that they are properly supervised. Please also note that babysitting for family or even outside of family does not qualify for service hours. Six hours are required for each quarter, with one quarter needing 7 hours.
Service Hours Verification Sheet
To complete this area of service, you must volunteer for something that benefits the greater. Volunteer Suggestions: beach clean-up, animal shelter, library, Senior Citizen Center, St. Vincent de Paul
Parents: Please be aware that this area of service will require you, the parent, to accompany your child so that they are properly supervised. Please note that babysitting, even for a family other than your own, does not qualify as Community Service.
To complete this area of service, you must volunteer to do something that benefits your parish. You do not have to complete your hours at Santa Sophia Church; you may complete your hours at whatever parish you regularly attend. Please note that service hours cannot be earned during school hours. Volunteer Suggestions: altar serving, choir, greeter, lector, handbell concert
To complete this area of service, you must volunteer to do something that benefits Santa Sophia Academy. You must set up a time to volunteer at least 1 day in advance. If you are staying after school to complete service hours, you must have a note from your parent. Volunteer Suggestions: work with a teacher after school in a classroom, arts and crafts club, staying after an event to help clean up.